DECEMBER 25, 2003
MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE ! It's the holidays… SURPRISE! I just got married. Yes, I did indeed say married. It is official: Don Lemmon and Asia Carrera have tied the knot, and we couldn't be more thrilled because it happened in -- our favorite place in the whole world -- Hawaii (which is also where we have decided to move soon)! Oh, where was the ceremony , you ask ? In our hotel room (actually, it was outside the room by the private Jacuzzi) with just ourselves and a minister from the island! That's how Asia wanted it and that's how she got it -- private, quiet, no mess, no fuss, just us.
Of course that upset a few friends, but the people closest to us understand, wish us well, and hopefully so do you! Last month we tested the waters to see how our fans would react since we come from such completely different career fields by leaking that we supposedly got married on a mountain. What was the response? It was truly positive, so thank you! What next? Well, she has 100% retired and wants to live her dream of moving to Hawaii ... twist my arm , why don't you? A year there sounds good to me.
OK, let us talk about the most recent trip. I am sorry if I get stuck at a loss (no comments from those of you who say I never know when to shut up -- shut up! ), but we really do lead mundane lives believe it or not (unless we are wearing our footsie jammies of course. No? See for yourself CLICK HERE )!
Alright, we packed our bags on the 18th and called for a town car to take us to the airport around 3:00 PM . I knew I wasn't going to be able to depend on LAX ( Los Angeles Airport ) for food, nor Hawaiian Airlines, so I packed a quart container full of pre-mixed protein powder, liquid minerals, and Lemmon's Oil (about 1000 calories worth in the entire concoction). Asia packed her usual fruit strips and bottled water, but also got a warm bagel after we checked in while I had a coffee. Good thing I was prepared, all I got on the plane was something so indigestible that I thanked God I was smart enough to pack food so I wouldn't starve. Ick.
Once in Honolulu , at around 10:00 PM , we took a cab, checked into the Hilton downtown ( what a view ) and then walked over to a sushi restaurant for sashimi. All sounds simple enough to follow so far, right? Well, no, not really. All I had were some cans of tuna in my bag and dry protein mix to last through the next day. Considering my next meal was going to be breakfast, and that is the most important meal of my day, Asia knowing this, pre-arranged for room service to deliver it on time at 9:00 AM according to my likes, and a wake-up just moments before the food was there so I wouldn't miss a beat. God, I love that woman -- bless her heart!
After that meal, I went to the shops downstairs and bought some rock climbing shoes for $40 that would have been $9.99 at Wal-Mart, and drank some powder to hold me off ‘til lunch, which never actually came. Why? Because we had more errands to run; we needed a battery and memory card for our digital camera and a marriage license. Unfortunately, t he protein powder wasn't enough to hold me off. You can't keep a metabolism up and running naturally without food or exercise and since I rarely workout, I started feeling it. I broke down and bought a couple of supposedly low fat, all meat sausages (throwing the buns out) to hold me off until we switched hotels. This was at CompUSA, mind you, where Asia was recognized and I was referred to as "Mr. Carrera." That's hot -- pretty funny, really. Are you still with me? We are only at day one here. After the errands, the ride to the other side of the island began and that was going to be another 40 minutes, so another protein mix was made. Man, if it weren't for this special mix of protein , I would have been famished. I do not like to use it more than twice a day, but this is why I have it: EMERGENCIES!
Once we arrived at the fabulous resort, we unpacked, cleaned up, awaited the minister, got married in our swimsuits, changed clothes again, and went to the resort's sushi restaurant for more dead fish served up the way we like it (I also had steak and seaweed followed by more of what Asia called, "the most fish I have ever seen a grown man consume in one meal," or something like that). At 7:00 PM , the day had flown by so fast. Before you knew it, we were sitting by the ocean. Always eating (not really, but you wanted to know my diet), we carried along a plate of fresh local fruit to nibble on between sips of mixed drinks. All around us was the best scenery on the island, and secluded too… but my mind was wandering to -- and I can't believe this -- what the heck were we going to eat all week?
You see, we got the royal treatment at the hotel with private rooms, Jacuzzis, beaches, and everything else, and while it's expensive, they comped us quite a bit because my wife is a VIP, but still... I require more than just breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I like my snacks on time too… and we couldn't spend our days sitting in a restaurant waiting for six different meals. So, after deciding what to do, the first thing in the morning I had the hotel limo drive me to the nearest grocery store. Boy was I relieved! They had everything I could have wanted. Sure, I brought a few other items with me but luxuries from home and luxuries you can't carry are different things, but no worries now. Each day thereafter, we were set.
Oh, more later on -- the important thing is that we made it home alive and I updated you on everything despite it being a holiday and us being as tired as ever. Last but not least, I want you to check out what greeted me after we arrived to the Hilton in Honolulu . Man, did I mention what a FREAKIN' view? CLICK HERE
DECEMBER 15, 2003
Three days from now we are flying to Hawaii and celebrating/consummating our marriage (a very good thing), but all Asia and I can think about right now is how tired we are from the last few weeks of being on the road. It's tough flying all over the place week after week. You wouldn't think so, but then again, not everyone who travels stays up half the night giggling with their significant other like we do either. You can try to sleep in, but please... work, love, food, or duty calls... like a final appearance just days before the vacation at an L.A. video store.
Having said that, San Francisco left me spoiled by the entire experience; it really was cool. Not only were Asia 's fans and chatters from her site (like Klaatu, Painter, Me2 - who is her assistant - and others) proving to be fantastic people in person, but the accommodations were amazing! I couldn't have had an easier trip.
There was a Mel's Diner on the corner near our hotel and each morning after waking up and downing some water, I would get dressed, walk to the restaurant, sit in my seat, sip tea with cream, and then begin eating the best cheese omelets I've ever had all within 10 minutes time flat from rising. After that, my day consisted of a 24 Hour Fitness workout within another block away (thank you for the free passes), sushi, a shower, then a protein drink I am testing, followed by Asia's work (being a signing or radio show, taking us into 10 or 11:00 PM), and closing off with a fantastic late night smorgasbord at a place called Tommy's (on Van Ness). There was one day where I attended a theater around the bend and saw Lost in Translation (welcome back Bill Murray), but that was our general schedule each day… and I loved it!
The last night in town, Asia and I took a cab to the Stinking Rose at 325 Columbus Avenue for dinner and had oysters and prime rib (the best I have had in recent times) before walking back just to take in the sights. I think I left my heart in that town; however, earlier the same day, we didn't have the same luck when we went to Neptune 's Palace at Pier 39 (I think that was the locale) to see the seals. Now, let me tell you: do NOT eat there, no matter what you do. That place was AWFUL on so many levels I won't even waste anymore breath on it. While I had a better time in SF than Albuquerque with all the good, there is sometimes a little bad.
OK, there's nothing wrong with New Mexico . In fact, the people of this grand state are some of the nicest I've ever met. Still, without our hosts Jim, Herman, and the rest of the staff making it so much fun for us the entire time we were with them and the folks at the Marriott keeping an eye on us (besides those kids chasing each other with cap guns at all hours), we didn't have a lot of options for entertainment. Between the delicious catfish, cheese and chili pepper smothered chicken, hot wings, cheese omelets (not as good as Mel's, sorry), and my coffee/protein powder mix, I was well fed, but bored ( OK, I wasn't THAT bored since Asia was with me ) in some respects! Plus, the gym stunk.
Hey, wait, with that list of foods I made you'd think I was on the Atkin's Diet! Not so! I also packed a bunch of dehydrated fruit snacks (no sweeteners, just the fruit) for carb sources like mangoes, apples, cranberries; however, by the Los Angeles signing, we were fried. Glory be to a well-balanced diet supplemented by vitamins and oils. Hey, speaking of which, the INTERNAL CLEANSING SYSTEM is NOW AVAILABLE! CLICK HERE
OK, it is midnight , time for bed! It's back to the gym in the morning. Another blog when our trip ends.
DECEMBER 5, 2003
OK, where do I begin my first blog in three years? Asia headed to San Francisco for three days to do appearances, radio shows, TV, and sightseeing recently. Asia brought 300 pounds of luggage; I left with a carry-on bag (we were staying 3 days). Since she is retiring from her work and wanted to greet her fans one last time, we wanted to have as much fun as possible. She was in great spirits and I, of course, couldn't wait to see what all the hoopla was about, Asia Carrera fans (and the City by the Bay). All was on schedule until I forgot I had a steak knife in my carry-on bag. Yeah, I was almost arrested like a common criminal because I have a knife, a fork, and a spoon with me. I always do, just in case the restaurants or means of travel I am forced to dine at the mercy of only offer plastic utensils. That's innocent enough, right? Not really; remember 9/11? Me too, but I didn't remember that my carry-on also contained things like a computer screwdriver, a box cutter for when I am at the post office getting mail, and about four other security threats. I made it out in time for our flight, but we were late and thank God, no cavity search. I suppose what saved me was carrying a copy of my KNOW-HOW book to show the police I was a nutritionist, have reasonable care about my diet, and wasn't planning a Jihad . Besides all that, the trip was a hoot and I already miss SFCA ! Next week, we are heading off to New Mexico for another few days worth of autograph signings. It has been a long week recovering from the last batch. It should be a hoot.
Note on Lemmon's Oil. I had a physician email me and say he has been getting clients to take 2 tablespoons of cold Lemmon's Oil in a small glass mixed with 1/4 of a fresh lemon squeezed in. It somehow relieves gall bladder and kidney issues. It was worth a try and I certainly do feel better having a shot each night before bed myself! Have a good weekend, folks, and check out the new look of my TRUTH About Exercise & Nutrition WEBSITE.
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