JANUARY 28, 2004
With the release of the updated Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW Book One and ALL NEW Book Two this month and trying to clean the house, we found that there are about 100 of the original "Truth About Exercise And Nutrition" books left in storage. These books are just about the same thing as what we have out now in Book One but then again, they actually feature about 100 pages that have been removed from this current release and will never be released again in any other edition. Why? I do not feel this information is meant for the public. Maybe professional fitness trainers, but these subjects are considered "Top Secret" amongst my physique clients. Anyhow, these books are 300 pages long and if you want a copy, please just send a check to the address on my order form and as long as you live in the US, that will include shipping. If you live overseas, then make that $26.00 in US funds.
Ok, I got this today from a site visitor too:
"Aloha, since you and your wife are moving to Hawaii , I think you should go to Bogart's Cafe at 3045 Monsarrat Avenue for the best cheese omelet in town. The cafe is known for their fluffy eggs and great food (also try their low carb chicken omelet with fresh asparagus). I have been reading your diary and I read the part about San Francisco 's Mel's Diner cheese omelet, but I believe Bogart's is better. Try it you won't be disappointed."
OK then! Off we go to give it a shot once we visit again!
JANUARY 24, 2004
I am back at home, folks, and Hawaii , as I remembered, was amazing. I sat up watching a storm from the 11th floor facing the ocean one night with Asia and we couldn't believe the spectacle before us. I am hoping some of you will come to visit once I begin scheduling seminars there at the university (unless the highly anticipated pregnancy delays plans for that)... oh, did I mention we have secured a place within walking distance of the ocean and will be officially “Islanders” by Spring? Talk about exciting news! More info shortly…
Tell me, has this supposed worldwide virus issue bogged down anyone else's email accounts all week? How I managed to update my sites, I will never know -- it's just a blur. Asia and I were supposed to go to an official Academy Awards voter screening of the new Lord of the Rings on Saturday, but we slept in. That's how tired we are from planning our move to Hawaii . To think we'll be surfside next month... WOW! I am at least hoping I get to introduce all of my website plans to you before we leave. Sorry, but I am not planning on doing that any sooner than I am satisfied having things overhauled properly! Presentation is everything. Speaking of satisfaction...
JANUARY 19, 2004
It has been a long week. I spent most of it putting together a whole boatload of new ideas for this website, the new products, and my online magazine in order to come up with at least a minor game plan for 2004. Asia and I are still working on the move to Hawaii; it's 99% a sure thing, and I want to be certain I am not leaving any unfinished business behind just in case we do it sooner than later. I have been talking with a long-time business associate and another friend who wants to start something for television. Asia wants me back on the TV talk show circuit. My seminar agent is looking to get things going and I am about to sign with a radio promotion group. It's not easy making these decisions all in a short period, especially when you may not be around to take any action at all. I know it would be nice to shoot something in Hawaii , but my celebrity friends live in Los Angeles . I also do not know any film crews in Hawaii .
Once I do, I can probably arrange for footage of Asia and I on the islands... and maybe footage of a few seminars. I'd much rather have a few seminars a year taking place in sunny Hawaii than the "hit or miss" excruciating heat and sun in Vegas or having clients deal with California traffic. Then there is my warehouse... we do shipping from Utah . Moving to the middle of the ocean, I can't help but want things all set in stone before I go, even if it is only for a year. I think you deserve that; my friends, family, and associates deserve that. OK, besides my neurotic rambling before my wife and I head out of town until Friday, keep in mind that I'm in hyper warp drive to make sure the balls continue to roll in your favor whether I am on the mainland or in a hut by the beach. I'll be answering your mails from the road. See ya!
JANUARY 14, 2004
An associate of mine from ABC Television is looking for actors to play trainers and appear on a new television project. Please read what he sent me to post and consider if you fill this void:
Don, I am in the beginning stages of putting together a TV show that involves promoting better health, getting in shape, and losing weight. I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping me find a weight-loss expert and/or motivator/fitness guru for the program. Here is all I'm looking for as soon as you can (it's in development): A press kit (pictures, bio, resume, etc.) and or video footage of them in their element (training, speaking, motivating, helping, inspiring, etc.) The video footage is the most important thing. Quite honestly, the press kit will help but not hinder if they don't have one. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. When you can, please have them send the goods to:
Thanks, Warren
Assistant to John Saade, Executive Producer
ABC Entertainment / Touchstone Television
(You'll never believe who they chose but most of America now believes some nobody from nowhere is a trainer to the stars! There is a product line attached to it and millions of people are falling for it. How did I ever decide to help them find their dancing chicken? Woe is me!)
January 11, 2004
So you are enjoying my film project discussions are you? Well here is another...
“PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH US,” the website read… it is taking a little more time than expected to cover the legal issues behind releasing this very controversial project. You must understand that what we have here is not only something allegedly stolen from the Los Angeles Police Department, but it is something said to depict actual evidence that vampires do exist (or "did" as you will witness on that tape what is apparently the monster being destroyed). Making matters worse, Hollywood industry professionals are seen murdered right before your eyes on this video, plain as day. Families and studio executives are not happy to consider their loved ones being viewed while flesh is literally ripped and torn from bone as some sort of a novelty product. Of the survivors, one is a well known Soap Opera actor, another a Playboy Playmate, and one more is an A-List Adult Film Star, getting them to talk about the incident has been almost impossible. Please have a little more patience as we are handling this matter appropriately and as quickly as we can. Be patient. This film is a bit controversial and we have to tie up all the legal bits and pieces before we release it. I can tell you this much, our film was taken from a live video feed during a business meeting. The people involved decided to tape it so no one missed anything discussed in regards to their work at hand.
The discussions were meant to conclude the writing of a movie script but led into that of life, death, right, wrong, men, women, and the afterworld. We aren't sure what caused the central figure to snap but almost everyone ends up being murdered. Was it a vampire? Was it real? You decide. The video never moves or is cut at any point. It was filmed in one room, we see people enter but no one leaves the camera range even after the one ends up angry and killing several others. To think it's all while discussing vampires for a script. There are too many questions left unanswered like why would the killer clean up the crime scene and yet leave the evidence (a video recording) behind like they did? Why would they remove all fingerprints including those of his victims and yet place the tape directly into hands of the police? In a strange twist of events that includes the highest of society, the cream of the Hollywood crop and members of the little known Los Angeles underworld, there is a lot more going on in Tinsel town than you think. The cast of what was originally meant to be a comedy consisted of porn stars and soap stars, no nudity whatsoever if you can believe that, and was about four men crammed into a small apartment trying to throw a party and make rent somehow. One character is an actor, the other a writer, one a free loader, and another, a paid assassin. Somewhere in the mix is a relationship with a 300 pound woman, a Chippendale's dance instructor, an angry neighbor, several runaway Chihuahuas , a stack of dead nuns and an apartment party to end all parties... but that's just the story tie in. For more: CLICK HERE
JANUARY 9, 2004
You have asked for it (the fans have spoken -- heh, heh), Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW: Book Two is now available in paperback! Most of it is 'ALL NEW' material, and the rest is, well, at least “UPDATED” and expanded. Dry humor aside, there is so much in this new book that hasn't been released before, I haven't any idea where to begin; it's nearly 100 unreleased pages. Actually, two-thirds of this book was never available in print before or was only offered separately as part of the ALL OF THE ABOVE package. The other one-third of the info has never been released in ANY form, ever, and NONE of this info is in Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW: Exercise & Nutrition - The TRUTH (Book One). I am rambling. To get a copy today... CLICK HERE
Along with putting Don Lemmon's KNOW HOW Book Two into the warehouse alongside our new supplement, Internal Cleansing System, the entire official Don Lemmon website has been overhauled. We now have sections and individual web pages for every single one of my different products. That includes books, supplements, accessories; it's all covered! I have been slaving here to impress you with that and I am NO WIZ at web design, let me tell you! But you better appreciate my attention to detail for a change! This is the largest my site has ever been with a whopping 24 pages and a full book's worth of content.
JANUARY 5, 2004
Do me a favor and check out my old high school buddy, current software developer, close friend, and brother at heart Dave Campbell's new cookbook. He is the designer of the software which replaced the version my friends in the U.K. never finished for us... CLICK HERE
JANUARY 3, 2004
Something from dinner the other night... there was an older couple next to Asia and I debating with the waiter over maintaining a healthy vegetarian meal. The wife wanted to know what a carb-less burger was. The husband insisted that vegetable oil be used to prepare his stir-fry; no oyster sauce (as it is an animal, he stated) or soy, as soy is a protein which I suppose is an animal in their eyes too. However, she buttered her bread real nice, handed him a piece, and when the black bean soup came, that had sour cream. Animal foods... oh boy, he went ape on them... and when the stir-fry arrived -- you bet -- he was ready to rip out a throat or two and asked again, "No soy sauce or oysters, right son?" Isn't it amazing how little people actually know about the diets they are trying to keep? I understand how confusing it is with all the media pushing and pulling us around but still, to be so sure and yet unsure to a point where not only the waiter but the couple eating with you are uncomfortable. Maybe I should have given them my card.
JANUARY 1, 2004
HAPPY NEW YEARS! Did you get a little tipsy or all out drunk last night? We did, we had champagne...
Don Lemmon's Know How Exercise Tips