November 26, 2004
This weekend I was at a message board that I enjoy quite a lot and the topic of fat burners came up. The first post I saw read like this:
"I was just curious about fat burners, do a lot of you use them while dieting down?? I used them for my last comp (which was my first) but I am wondering if there is a better way, besides diet and cardio, to aid fat loss. I am thinking about competing in the Model search this coming September. I am sure it will be a blast."
The next one was:
"Right now I am dieting and I use them. I won't say the type but it's the good stuff. Cardio and Dieting is obviously the key though. The fat burners are there just for that added touch."
That was cool, I suppose, we both know the only good "stuff" is illegal, but the following statement started my wheels turning....
"Yeah the fat burners do help but it all comes down to diet and cardio. Playing with your carb levels would help as well. Also in the off season don't go too crazy with eating."
Again, they said cardio, which leads me to wonder how much bodyfat they are left with after eating so good that they need more cardio. No offense, but it's true...
"Are fat burners allowed for natural competitions? OR, do they qualify as a drug i.e. if you get them at GNC, are they okay? I am just curious because I too have been interested in using a fat burner as I will be entering my first competition in January. I just don't want to use them is they would be considered unnatural. Would love to have any feedback. Thanks!"
That's when I felt compelled to step in. I suppose I came off brash:
"Consider this... If you take a fat burner and believe the hype of magazine ads, you wouldn't require any exercise at all to see results.... If they truly empty fat into the blood stream, they would be excreted through urine or feces with little need for cardio... But you feel if you skipped cardio, you'd look fat again... So what gives? Does the cardio or the pill work? And if you really have to wait three weeks to see results, is it really working or is it the diet? Come on folks, THREE WEEKS? What works is being nourished, being active, and eating the right foods... Not some pill that takes 3 weeks to work... Would you be happy if aspirin took 3 weeks to rid you of a migraine? Hell no... Trust me, if the product you use is available over the counter, it's just a stimulant that you "believe" does something... But it isn't fat burning."
I felt bad about that because so many people really do want to believe things are so easy and then a nice young lady posted this in return:
"Hi Don, First of all, I have to tell you that I am sitting here in utter amazement with the incredible information and insight (and truth in my opinion) you have on your website about artificial sweeteners. To backtrack on how I got there, I saw your response (thank you for really giving me a strong argument against trying a fat burner, which is really common sense but I have to admit, all this marketing in magazines got to me so my common sense was somewhat blinded) and thought I would learn more information from your website. I then came across the information on sweeteners, and it was really helpful because I had tried (albeit unsuccessfully) to obtain more information previously online, to better understand their impact and potential health hazards, and also investigate if they could be contributing to my acne breakouts, particularly from certain protein powders. I use sweeteners all the time (in decaf coffee, in my oatmeal for breakfast) and have lately, moreso than ever before, been battling so many weaknesses in my immune system. I rarely in the past have gotten the flu, and finally recovered from it a couple of weeks ago after being almost bed-ridden for a week, to only begin to get nausea quite easily, and also become somewhat depressed. One thing that has been with me for a long time (not certain if it is the sweetener's effect) is migraines. I realize that all of the above symptoms may not be a direct result of using sweeteners, but I do believe, after reading the great information you have provided, if I discontinue their use, I will see an improvement. So, I can officially declare today as my last day to use sweeteners! I will find something natural to get the bit of sugar my body might ask for once in a while i.e. a nice piece of fruit. Thank you again for the information on fat burners (and I apologize for this novel of a response!)."
My final response, no less brash, continuing to be open, I suppose because I take my work so seriously, but here goes:
"That was a great post and very cool of you to visit my site too. Before you put this up I got an email from another member who thinks I only told the board what I did so you will buy MY goods instead someone else's. This assumption couldn't be further from the truth. It is a fact I have my own product line and I stand behind it with my fists up, but that is because they are exclusive formulas no one else has. My wares are not available through another single source in the world and my soul went into them. You will however notice I do not have a fat burner... That is because with the thousands of dollars sank into research, not a dime of it found a fat burner that lived up to it's hype. To be completely honest, I appreciate comments like, "I use the good stuff," and "cardio is key," however, cardio only means your diet isn't what it should be or you wouldn't need so much of it and the only "good stuff" is a form of steroids...
It is much like the time someone says creatine helps them. Little do they realize that all creatine did was give them a psychological boost, act as Dumbo's magic feather, and that is what allowed them to push harder, the psychological effect, therefore they get a better pump and ultimately, see more results. Funny too, we also tend to eat better when we use a fraudulent supplement we believe in and that in and of itself is what leads us to believe we took something beneficial. You know, in all seriousness, whenever I speak to a trainer who recommends "the best" artificially sweetened protein powders, "pure" creatine, or even glutamine (I mentioned before on my site that this particular item will lead to muscle loss), Metrx, Hydroxycut or anything else that has seen a huge wave of muscle magazine ads, I know that person hasn't a clue as to what they are talking about. Sorry, but I can sum that up in a simple enough way here...
Do you have any idea how many competitors I have worked with that I advised for free because they couldn't even afford a protein drink or a daily multiple vitamin, let alone my counseling fees? Do you know how they did competing on just food and pure grit? Look around my site again... They are champions. Certainly not all of my clients are bodybuilding or fitness champions but not all of my clients are competitors. Another thing to consider is that many of my clients may not be in Muscle & Fitness but you gasp nonetheless over how they look with billboards on Madison Avenue, in Cosmo, in movies that rake in millions of dollars. I am not bragging, I am making a point.
People look good by eating right, sleeping enough, training hard, paying attention to their recovery levels, drinking clean water and being nourished. No matter how far you want to take your appearance and no matter how much money you put into it, some things are simply not necessary. Supplements are meant to nourish the body so it can function at optimal levels. Supplements do not now and will not ever build your muscle nor burn your fat. Anyone who has read the most basic of biology, chemistry, medical or anatomy textbooks knows that no amount of arguing will make Xenadrine suddenly what it claims to be. Think about this. Remember how big of a joke Cybergenics was? Calling itself a steroid alternative and using a bodybuilder who claimed to build all his size using their program? Well, not only do we know now that it was a bunch of hogwash, but guess who is behind Xenadrine? The same people. Do you still have faith in their 'fat burner'? I hope not!
My sincerest appreciation for letting me rant, but double kudos for those who think about it, see the reality of what I say and act on the possibility... If I ever discover a fat burner that works, I will tell the world... I am in this to help people, yes, I profit, but not when I offer free advice. You are the one who wins then..."
November 16th, 2004
We went to a world famous gourmet chef convention this weekend held on the north shore. We got to taste a bunch of yummy fresh fish but the ceremony was a joke. The host, Sam Choy, wasn't even there... The fish set out for the fans to try was in the open for 2 hours before they let us in. Asia and I snuck past the security and ate a little before getting caught as to avoid having spoiled items in our tummies... Besides that, I have been listening to feedback on Don Lemmon's Book 4 and am acting upon it this very week. You felt some subjects just weren't necessary and other topics weren't addressed and I want to make you happy. Because I am not one to let my readers down, once I am finished updating the book for you, I am going to mail off FREE COPIES to the people whose suggestions I used and not only that... I am sending it off to the publisher for an early 2005 hardcopy release! Hey, have any of you here tried that supposedly healthy high protein peanut butter called Power Butter? I know some of you have, you asked me about it. Well, I decided to give you an option that is good for you and not all hype. Theirs mixes flour in the butter, uses some lard, poorly processed protein and well, it is expensive CRAP: CLICK HERE
November 6th, 2004
I am all smug right now. A few weeks ago I was surfing the internet after reading a book about a Japanese baseball player named Sadaharu Oh; he is famous for hitting 868 home runs in his career, a number Barry Bonds will never reach even on steroids (sorry, I just despise pro athletes who claim they are innocent of doing things like taking drugs, which lead teenagers to cheat just the same, whether it's bodybuilding or sports). Anyhow, while looking for info on Mr. Oh, I found a site that is 100% behind putting him in the American Hall of Fame (baseball)! I read it from top to bottom like a good little fanatic because I loved what I saw almost as must as I loved the book "A Zen Way Of Baseball" (the Oh book I just finished). There was one exception to the joy this site brought me, I thought they sold him short while comparing his stats to American Major League players. I emailed the author and said so. Why? I haven't any idea, I was feeling frisky I suppose.... Well, the author, Jim Albright, replied and that began a mild debate. The email exchange turned into an article that he posted on his extremely popular baseball advisory page... And I wasn't expecting it, but I guess I said some things that got to him, in both a good and a bad way! I didn't mean to! CLICK HERE
Oh yeah, and "America has spoken." So, Bush is still President. My wife watched Fahrenheit 9-11 (I call it nine one one and she gets sooo mad... let's pretend I said nine eleven right now to keep me out of the doghouse) and hope anyone would replace Bush to hearing around 9:00 p.m. that if Bush won, stocks would rise... Suddenly it was, "Go Bush!" Myself? I feel the best man for the job at the time is there for a reason we the public do not see from our chairs at home. Once it's all said and done, we should stop belly aching and just live our lives... Support your leaders, there is nothing gained in fighting it. Congratulations George W. Bush.
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